Por marcozero Compartilhe Compartilhe Santos City Cathedral is the main Catholic temple in Santos 1146 visualizações0 It is the main and largest Catholic temple in Santos. Built in neo-Gothic style, the cathedral began to be built in 1909, was inaugurated in 1924, but completed only in 1967. On the facade, there are two images in natural granite, representing São Pedro and São Paulo, and, above, there are the figures of the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezequiel and Daniel, with four evangelists beside them. The building The Cathedral has three naves (central wing), two lateral marble altars and two chapels, one on each side of the main altar: the Santíssimo Sacramento, which has frescoes by the painter Benedito Calixto, and the Nossa Senhora de Fátima. The large dome completes the ensemble, where there are also seven stained glass windows that tell the story of Our Lady’s life. The cathedral tower holds a carillon of seven bells. Saint Josefina Bakhita The cathedral also has an altar for Saint Josefina Bakhita, a first African (and black) saint, whose canonization took place after a grace granted to a Santos citizen. The site also has a crypt in which the bishops Dom Idílio José Soares and Dom David Picão and priests are buried – there are still hundreds of loculi. MORE RELIGIOUS TOURISM IN: In Valongo, one of the oldest churches in Brazil l Centennial buildings comprise Conjunto do Carmo Our Lady of the Rosary keeps unknown treasures Facing the sea, Santo Antônio do Embaré Museum of Sacred Art holds sacred relics From the top of Mount Serrat, patron saint protects the city of Santos Compartilhe
Santos City Santos FC prepares tribute to Pelé in Vila Belmiro An intense and unusual mobilization in Vila Belmiro coincides with the worsening of Pelé’s clinical ... Por marcozero
Santos City At the top of Mount Serrat, patron saint protects the city of Santos At the highest point of Santos, 157 meters above sea level, is located a church, ... Por marcozero
Santos City Sacred Art Museum holds precious relics More than 600 sacred and religious pieces, of an erudite and popular nature from the ... Por marcozero