Ministério do Empreendedorismo cria espaço em Peruíbe para estimular negócios locais, qualificação profissional e economia criativa
Por marcozero Compartilhe Compartilhe Development UFSCar’s photographic project receives images and texts 1078 visualizações0 The Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) is receiving images and texts, through its Instagram account, which will be selected to compose an exhibition that seeks to propose a reflection on the effects of the pandemic. Those interested in participating in the photographic project “Portraits of Confinement (Photos of Confinement) – A reading of thoughts, emotions and wishes during daily quarantine” should send their photos and texts, via Instagram direct, on the project account, on instagram .com / photosofconfinement , until the 31st of July. The account was created in English, seeking to internationalize the initiative. The images must include the author’s name, a title, the city in which the photo was taken and, if possible, a text expressing feelings, emotions and desires that relate to the image. The photos sent must cover aspects and themes related to the confinement, and may or may not be accompanied by the text. Texts in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian and Japanese will be accepted. The criteria for selecting the material sent are: 1. Photographs taken between the years 2020 and 2021; 2. Adherence, pertinence and relevance in relation to the pandemic / confinement theme during the period 2020-21; 3. Photographic composition; and 4. Text quality. Questions can be answered directly at . Reflection on the pandemic The Photographic Project was launched at the beginning of the pandemic, by the “MBI Photographers” community, created by professor Cesar Alves Ferragi, from the Department of Geography, Tourism and Humanities (DGTH-So) at UFSCar-Sorocaba, together with students from the post- lato sensu graduation Master in Business Innovation (MBI) from the University. “Throughout the months of 2020, students of the course at the Sorocaba, São Carlos, Campinas and São Paulo units were invited to photograph and portray their daily lives, presenting, along with the images, texts that express thoughts, emotions and desires. Subsequently, the project was open to anyone interested, ”explains Ferragi. who coordinates the initiative and also has images and texts in the project’s collection on Instagram. “The images, therefore, by multiple authors contrast aspects of the daily lives of people living in urban and rural areas, suggesting a narrative throughout the photo essay about human diversity, the entanglement of thinking, feeling and wanting caused by confinement ”, Completes the professor. Face-to-face exhibition To compose a photographic exhibition, 37 images will be selected, which can be seen in the lobby of the UFSCar-Sorocaba Library (B-So). “The images sent will first be pre-selected. If approved, they will be immediately posted to the Instagram account. When sending the photos, the author-photographer agrees with this condition ”, explains the professor at UFSCar . In a second step, among the photos posted on the Instagram account, a committee composed of Ferragi and at least two students from the group “Fotógrafo MBI” will be set up to choose those that will compose the physical exhibition. The show is expected to take place in September 2021. If the pandemic continues, the show will take place at a later time. The project is linked to the Pro-Rectory of Extension (ProEx) of UFSCar and the initial curatorship has the voluntary support of Marina Pinheiro Kluppel, student of MBI at UFSCar-Sorocaba. Compartilhe
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Ministério do Empreendedorismo cria espaço em Peruíbe para estimular negócios locais, qualificação profissional e economia criativa