Ministério do Empreendedorismo cria espaço em Peruíbe para estimular negócios locais, qualificação profissional e economia criativa
Por marcozero Compartilhe Compartilhe Experiences The dolls letter postman 1103 visualizações0 One day, the writer Franz Kafka was in a park when he heard a girl crying, for having lost the doll. He approached and said: – Rest assured, your doll is traveling but she’ll be back! – And how do you know that? – I’m a doll letter postman. She wrote you a letter – I do not believe. And where is this letter? – I left it at home. Come here tomorrow and I’ll give it to you. Kakfa spent the night writing the doll’s letter to the girl. In the first line, he said: “Please don’t cry for me. I left on a trip to see the world ” And it was like that for weeks. Once a week, he would go to the park and deliver the letter to the girl, reporting the fantastic trip around the world, meeting wonderful places and interesting people.I found the girl always happy with the previous letter and anxious to know about the doll’s adventures. But eventually the doll saga would have to end. The following week, the writer went to the square with a doll he had bought at the market and gave it to the girl. – But this is not my doll, this is very different! – Of course it’s her! A good trip transforms us a lot.This story is believed to be true and told in many ways, but it does not matter at all. The girl was never found and neither were the letters, but the story inspired the Spanish writer Jordi Sierra i Fabra to write “Kafka and the traveling doll”, a book in which he imagines what the letters would be like. Compartilhe
Experiences An invitation from Sebastião Salgado Discover Galápagos, an archipelago rich in exotic animals and plants, many extinct, that inspired Charles ... Por marcozero
Development Across the Amazon River, a trip to deep Brazil April 21, 2020222 views0 Despite being a brave new world, there comes a time when ... Por marcozero
Experiences How I arrived alive at the most dangerous airport in the world There was absolutely nothing to be seen more than 20 meters from the tip of ... Por marcozero
Ministério do Empreendedorismo cria espaço em Peruíbe para estimular negócios locais, qualificação profissional e economia criativa