Aquário de Santos
Santos City

Santos Aquarium shows the richness of the marine world

Municipal Aquarium offers the wealth of the marine world. It is the second most visited public park in the State of São Paulo and the oldest in Brazil.

The Municipal Aquarium is the second most visited public park in the State of São Paulo (it is second only to the zoo in the capital). There are approximately 420 thousand visitors per year (150 thousand only during the summer season, which runs from December to February). Inaugurated on July 2, 1945, it is the oldest aquarium in Brazil.

The park has 32 tanks, with a total of 1 million and 300 thousand liters of fresh and salt water, treated by 35 filter pumps, 24 hours a day. The Santos Aquarium is home to over a thousand marine animals, of approximately 120 species.

Santos Aquarium

Highlight for sharks, penguins, turtles, sea horses and several species of salt and fresh water.

On the right side are the salt water tanks and, on the left, the fresh water tanks. All tanks received scenography that reproduce the animals’ natural habitats. In fresh water, environments were created at the bottom of the river, with branches, foliage, roots and ravines. Saltwater animals swim in rocky environments.

Penguins at Santos Aquarium

The animals of the Santos Aquarium

The animals at the Santos Aquarium consume about a ton of fish and seafood a month – in winter, it reaches 1.6 tonnes. The diet is balanced and individualized, adjusted to the needs of each animal. Per day, there are 15 items offered in the daily diet, among them sardines, manjuba, hake, shrimp, squid, seafood, crab, anchovies, clams, tilapia, mackerel and tambaqui.

Santos Aquarium offers environmental education courses

In addition to the fixed attractions for visitation, the Santos Aquarium offers a wide and interesting program of environmental education, with courses and lectures.

Address: Praça Vereador Luiz La Scala Jr, Ponta da Praia. Phone (13) 3278-7830.


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