Por marcozero Compartilhe Compartilhe Santos City Carmo complex have centennial buildings at Santos Historical Downtown 1105 visualizações0 Formed by two churches joined by a bell tower (bell tower), the Conjunto do Carmo is an example of the Brazilian Baroque style. On the spire of the tower is the figure of an iron cock, which represents the human weakness mentioned in the Bible, when Peter denies Jesus three times. The churches are separated by a corridor that leads to Rua Itororó nº 2. Carmo Church Although apparently not impressive on the outside, the Igreja do Carmo impresses on the inside, be it for its state of conservation or for the beauty of the pieces inside. Proof of this are the canvases of Friar Jesuíno do Monte Carmelo (1764-1819) and a holy water sink, from 1710. The church was inaugurated in 1780, after eight years of construction. The conventThe Igreja dos Freis Carmelitas, from the Convento do Carmo, dates from 1589 – is the one on the right of the complex. Heritage listed by the State in 1981 and by the Municipality in 1990, it has gilded wooden altars adorned with devotional images from the 18th century. In the presbytery, it has rosewood chairs used for the celebration of the friars’ office. Also featured, paintings by Benedito Calixto and torches of great beauty. Masses from Monday to Friday at 7:30 am, 12:30 pm and 6 pm; Saturday 7:30 am to 5 pm; Sunday at 8 am, 11 am (on the second Sunday of the month, with Gregorian chant) and 6 pm. Pantheon of Andradas In the former convent’s gate is the Pantheon of Andradas, which in 1924 received the remains of the Patriarch of Independence, José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, previously buried in the churchyard.Address: Praça Barão do Rio Branco nº 16, Historic Center. MORE RELIGIOUS TOURISM IN: In Valongo, one of the oldest churches in Brazil l Our Lady of the Rosary keeps unknown treasures Cathedral is the main Catholic temple of Santos Facing the sea, Santo Antônio do Embaré Museum of Sacred Art holds sacred relics From the top of Mount Serrat, patron saint protects the city of Santos Compartilhe
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Santos City At the top of Mount Serrat, patron saint protects the city of Santos At the highest point of Santos, 157 meters above sea level, is located a church, ... Por marcozero
Santos City Sacred Art Museum holds precious relics More than 600 sacred and religious pieces, of an erudite and popular nature from the ... Por marcozero