
Black movement wants impeachment of Bolsonaro

The Black Coalition for Rights, an association that brings together 150 organizations and collectives of the Brazilian black movement, made on this 20th an addition to the impeachment request of President Jair Bolsonaro, who had already filed with the Chamber of Deputies in August 2020.

The Coalition points to the absence of an effective national vaccination plan against COVID-19 and criminal negligence in the supply of basic inputs to contain the pandemic that resulted in the lack of oxygen crises in Amazonas and Pará.

Five months ago, the Black Coalition and allied people presented to the Mayor, Rodrigo Maia, Bolsonaro’s impeachment request for the crimes of responsibility he committed during the exercise of his mandate, crimes that put the lives of thousands of Brazilians at risk , especially, the segments most socially vulnerable and most fragile in their citizenship, such as the black and peripheral population.
In addition to the crimes of responsibility that challenge social rights, the request also highlights crimes related to the constant attacks by President Jair Bolsonaro on the democratic regime and democratic institutions.
In an open membershipto the impeachment, the Black Coalition mobilized the society and received signatures in favor of the impeachment of 600 entities from all over the country, in addition to the adhesion of artists, intellectuals, activists and professionals from different sectors of the Brazilian society. However, even with the scenario of more than 100 thousand killed by Covid-19 in Brazil at that time, Rodrigo Maia shelved the action. Today, with more than 210,000 lives lost to the new coronavirus in the country, it is urgent to demand the departure of the only head of state on the planet who neglects the pandemic.
How many more lives will we let be interrupted, how many more families will need to be destroyed until the Chamber of Deputies recognizes Bolsonaro’s crimes that are decimating Brazilians and Brazilians daily? The Coalition invites everyone to adhere to the letter it charges from the Chamber of Deputies, especially from its President, to open the impeachment request.
Read the Black Coalition’s open letter and sign the letter to the deputies for impeachment:

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