Ministério do Empreendedorismo cria espaço em Peruíbe para estimular negócios locais, qualificação profissional e economia criativa
Por marcozero Compartilhe Compartilhe Behavior 15 tips to be happier 1232 visualizações0 Improving your New Year’s life involves mentally reorganizing yourself, combating stress, low self-esteem, discouragement, and other negative feelings. Psychologist Miriam Pontes Farias explains that it is necessary to have motivational attitudes. 1. Take stock of what you did last year, highlighting what worked. List what did not go your way and try to identify the reasons. Do not blame yourself in excess. 2- Keep healthy relationships, people who motivate you, advise wanting your success. Stay away from toxic people who vibrate with your failure. 3- Plan. Pass the contest, buy a property, get married, go to college, have children, travel …). Set realistic goals and go for it! 4- Learn how to manage moments of stress and anxiety. 5. Appreciate the good things that happened in 2018 and seek to repeat the actions that led to these positive results. 6- Stop whining. Beware of self-pity. Also run away from the people who pity you. 7- Take a few minutes from your day to think about your own life. 8- Do activities that relax and bring pleasure: watching a movie, playing an instrument, playing a sport. 9- Live one day at a time. A life is built slowly, not at one stroke. 10- Value the best you have, your vocations and skills. And improve them! 11- Be open to new learning. 12- Leave the “comfort zone”. Do different things to get different results. 13- Take care of the body. Healthy eating and physical activity. Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol. 14 – Take care of the mind. Feed positive thoughts. Be optimist. 15 – Do not isolate yourself, seek to relate to people, taking care to avoid toxic people. Compartilhe
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Ministério do Empreendedorismo cria espaço em Peruíbe para estimular negócios locais, qualificação profissional e economia criativa